A Guide on How to Increase Your Vertical Jump

The following is a guide on how to increase your vertical jump. Increasing your vertical affects your productivity in many different types of sports not just basketball, what it is most commonly known for. It can help in sports like soccer, football, and baseball to name a few.
· I want to begin by asking you to visit your doctor before beginning any exercise programs. Safety is important for any strength developing programs. So I suggest doing the exercise as described in your training program. Injuries do occur and to reduce injuries, limit the stress on your joints by monitoring your repetitions. You should stay away from using the maximum amount weight you can bear but you should do enough reps to produce muscle fatigue.
· Workouts should be intense but not for long periods of time, about an hour is recommended. You should workout you entire body not just your legs. Studies have shown that the strengthening of your arms for use while jumping is about as useful as strengthening your legs to increasing your vertical.
· Increasing your flexibility also improves your vertical. It increases your range of motion which helps you to have a more forceful jump. This heightens your coordination skills which in return increase your reaction time.
· The use of Plyometrics is what I recommend for increasing your vertical jump. Plyometrics can increase the percentage of power in your jump in as little as 6 weeks. Your strength based exercises should begin with Squats and Dead-lifts. You should focus most of your attention to your Gluteuses and Hamstrings.
· Squats should be deep in range. Squats that are not deep in range tend to have no effect on jumping ability. Dead-lifts should be done with explosive movements. You should do multiple sets of each about 4 to 8 at about 10 to 12 reps. I advise you to work your way up to this if you are a beginner.
· Other exercises that you should incorporate in your workout are Lunges and Box Jumps. These exercises can be done at the beginning of your workout. Your workouts should consist of hopping and jumping exercises after all you are trying to increase your vertical jump.
· Another way of how to increase your vertical is to strengthen your core. It is a good idea to lose the fat if you are out of shape. If you are carrying belly fat the odds are not in your favor. I recommend you start with a well balanced and nutritional diet. You should work on that first. You can look at your calorie intake and reduce it according to a doctor's recommendation.
· An example of an exercise is to get a weighted ball; you can find them at your sporting goods store. For this exercise you will need to find a large wall or structure. You begin by holding the ball at chest level while in a squatting position. As you thrust up from squatting position you are supposed to push the medicine ball as high as you can against the wall. Then you should catch the ball and go back into squatting position. You should repeat this for about 10 to 15 reps and for about 4 to 8 sets.
If you really want to succeed at increasing your vertical jump you should visit http://increasing-your-vertical.com. The website offers a system of exercises that will guarantee you increase your vertical jump. This is for serious athletes, I hope you enjoy.
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