Yoga For The Wellness of Your Respiratory System

The respiratory system consists of the lungs, nose, bronchial tube, pharynx, larynx and trachea. The respiratory system is one of the most important system of the human body. Without this, it would be impossible for the body to get the required amount of oxygen and also to get rid of the harmful carbon dioxide. Now, this respiratory system is vulnerable to many diseases such as bronchitis, asthma, allergies and the common cold.
However, if you have the habit of doing yoga on a regular basis your respiratory system will be in good shape and you can prevent the occurrence of these diseases. In fact, it has been seen that people who do yoga on a regular basis do not suffer from any diseases related to the respiratory system. Following are some of the most important roles of yoga in keeping respiratory diseases away from a person:
  • If you are having respiratory allergies then yoga would be the best medicine for it. The various poses and asanas that are performed during the yoga session helps in keeping away problems like clogged nose, throat itching, coughing and conjunctivitis.

  • Yoga is also very good for those who are suffering from bronchitis and asthma. These are the two most dangerous chronic lung ailments that causes death in people and if you want to live long and strong then you got to do yoga in order to keep these harmful diseases away. Some of the asanas of yoga are especially designed for those who are suffering from such diseases.

  • One of the most common diseases that people face is the common cold or the cough. This happens due to the invasion of viruses that makes the immune system of the body unresponsive. In such cases there are no other options left except to take medicines. However, the consumption of medicines is not always good. So it is better to get rid of cough and cold in the natural way and the best possible way of doing it is by performing yoga. It also helps in keeping away mild fever, headaches and sore throat. Some of the asanas are meant to strengthen the immune system of the body thereby creating a wall to protect the body from such harmful diseases. Doing yoga also helps in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and it is always good to do yoga early in the morning when the air is fresh.
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