7 Tips to Speed Up Your Metabolism

Tips to Speed Up Your Metabolism

Would you like to know how you can speed up your metabolism? Are you and your metabolism not on the same page? Many adults suffer with a slow metabolism which leads to unwanted weight gain. It can be frustrating even when you think you are doing all the right things to lose weight.
Try these 7 tips on for size to help speed up your metabolism...

1) Drink 1-2 cups of green tea a day - Green tea has properties that help increase metabolism helping the body to burn fat. If you want to burn more calories enjoy a glass of green tea. You can drink it hot or cold, the choice is yours.
2) Take 1-2 tablespoons of honey a day - Consuming honey is a great natural way to speed up your metabolism. But you might be thinking, "honey is sweet what is the difference between it and processed sugar?" Your body breaks down honey better than processed sugar because it is already partially processed when it enters your system. Be sure to get local honey from your area to get the best quality honey. Plus you can sweeten up your green tea with honey to turn your metabolism into a Ferrari.
3) Eat breakfast - You grew up hearing your mom preach at you, "eat your breakfast honey it is the most important meal of the day." Give mom props because she was right. If you eat dinner at 7 pm, then skip breakfast the next day and eat lunch at noon, your body has been without food for 17 hours. That is a few hours short of 24 hours. Eating breakfast is essential to keep your metabolism steady.
4) Drink enough water - The average male and female are made up of approximately 60% water. When you sweat you are losing water and it needs to be replaced. Drinking about 6-8 glasses of water can provide a sufficient amount of water to give your body what it needs. You should not take any shortcuts with your diet especially when it comes to drinking water.
5) Take it easy on the Jack - Jack Daniels that is. Drinking in moderation is okay. But heavy drinking on a regular basis will slam the brakes on your fat loss efforts and slow down metabolism. If you want a drink have a beer or a glass of wine with dinner. One or two is okay but don't over indulge or your waistline will pay the penalty.
6) Eat some ginger - Eat some freeze-dried ginger as a healthy snack or add some fresh ginger to a veggie stir-fry at dinner time. Ginger is of course hot in flavor. It will increase the internal heat as well and burn up some extra calories.
7) Be as active as possible - The more muscle you have the better your metabolism will be. The same can't be said for fat. Burn the fat gain the muscle.
There are many ways to speed up your metabolism. Give these 7 tips a shot to get started.
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Brought to you by Matthew Beavers.
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