5 Ways to Reduce Bloating

Many women experience bloating on a daily basis and it is a very uncomfortable feeling but it also indicates a much more serious problem going on inside your abdomen. Bloating is typically caused by poor digestion. This could be in the form of constipation or Irritable Bowel Syndrome but in most cases we have created an environment within our bowels which causes pain, inflammation and gas.
Most of the techniques we can therefore use to reduce this bloating relate to the foods we eat.
Here are 5 ways to reduce bloating:
1. Cut out foods that cause inflammation
There are certain foods within the western diet that create inflammation and cause more bloating. They are dairy, sugar and meat. These foods are acidic on the body, which instantly creates an inflammatory response by the body.
2. Avoid Gluten
Gluten is commonly found in breads, pastries and pasta. Most of us eat large quantities of these products in our diet each day - often 3-4 times a day. Gluten has the ability to halter absorption of minerals in our bowels. It also interferes with the normal balance of bacteria in our gut. The bacteria in our gut become out of balance and the bad bacteria take over. We can develop fungal overgrowths, such as Candida from this overgrowth which directly contributes to inflammation, IBS, pain and further development of other inflammatory conditions.
3. Drink more water
Most of us simply don't drink enough water. When we don't have enough water, we are not able to flush out the excess waste from our bowels and it sits in there, adding to the toxic load of the body. Water ensures we flush out the excess and keep things moving, so the toxins can escape the body.
4. Eat more raw foods
Raw foods contain live enzymes that help with digestion. They also have heaps of roughage and liquids which help with digestion. Try and make each meal 50% raw. Just add a salad as a side dish or eat some carrots in the middle of they day. Aim for a 50% raw day!
5. Add fermented foods to your diet
Fermented foods contain heaps of good live bacteria which can help fight off the bad bacteria and also give your digestion a boost. Make your own Sauerkraut, coconut kefir or eat live Miso soup. These are all fabulous additions to your diet and will help your digestion tremendously.
Healing the gut is very important. It can be a massive source of toxic load on the body and the source of many diseases in the body. Fungal growths have been contributed to 80% of conditions we currently experience! It all starts with what we eat and how we excrete!
Bloating is a common symptom with Endometriosis. If you suffer from bloating, painful periods and PMS frequently, you might be interested to read more through my blog. You could be suffering from Endometriosis. The details are: http://www.cureendometriosis.com
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