How to Boost Your Metabolism and Make It Last

How to Boost Your Metabolism
What is metabolism?
Basically, metabolism is a process that breaks down what you consume - carbohydrates, proteins, and fat, in order to give your body the energy it needs. The rate at which it breaks down these compounds is partially based on your genetic make up, but is also greatly determined by how many calories you consume in relation to how many you burn off. So, in order to boost your metabolism, you need to increase the amount of energy your body needs.
How can I boost my metabolism?
1. Exercise
One of the easiest ways to increase your body's need for energy is by exercising. The more muscle you build up, the more energy your body will need to maintain itself, and therefore the more calories it will burn. Just by building five to ten pounds of lean muscle you will boost that resting metabolism. You can continue to burn calories after working out as well by doing short intervals of high intensity exercises during your workout.
Whatever you do - stay active. If you want to keep your metabolism up and burning calories, keep moving!
2. Diet
The key is to eat often and to eat well. Eat every few hours in order to stimulate your metabolism and keep it running. By eating frequently throughout the day your body will recognize that it is getting its nutrients and it will not be forced to store fat. Instead, the frequent eating will feed muscle and starve the fat. Eating no breakfast, minimally throughout the day, and consuming a massive dinner will only confuse your body and slow your metabolism while you are not eating. Keep it active and burning calories throughout the day with frequent, smaller meals and healthy snacks.
What to eat
Eating frequently throughout the day doesn't mean pig out all day on chips and sweets. Eat foods that will rev up your metabolism rather than slow it down. The best way to boost your metabolism is by consuming high-protein foods, as protein requires more energy to break down, and high-fiber foods, non-digestible carbohydrates that the body attempts to breakdown, using up energy and therefore increasing your metabolism. Finally, drink lots of water! Your body needs water to process the calories. Dehydration will slow down your metabolism, so keep the water flowing.
What's the next step?
Your body and your life are in your control. Don't blame genetics or your body's slow metabolism any longer - take action and you will start seeing results! Quit the weight loss programs and stop trying to drop pounds for the moment with the latest, hottest diet fad. There is no secret recipe to weight loss; the key is to make a lifestyle change, with two very simple, fundamental ingredients: exercise and a healthy diet. Using these tools, you are well on your way to boosting your metabolism and having a healthier lifestyle.
Amanda Maynes is an aspiring writer with a wealth of knowledge in the areas of health and fitness. She enjoys researching and writing about different topics with the aim of benefiting her readers.
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