All About Yoga Asanas

There are different types of exercises in the fitness arena that would go a long way in making the body healthy. It is commonly known that yoga relates to the bending of the bodies but it is more than that. The question What is Yoga Asanas indicates that breathing techniques and right posture provide awesome options to the users. The body along with the mind is in synchronization to provide the best results.

10 Things That Will Make You Stronger in Midlife

Men in midlife
Entering midlife can make you feel more vulnerable than you've ever felt and there is mounting scientific evidence that the lifestyle decisions you make in midlife can dramatically impact your health in your senior years. Here are some things that you can do to get on the right track.

Cinnamon and Diabetes - What's the Story?

Cinnamon and diabetes? What are people talking about here? After all, cinnamon is a tasty spice that we add to apple pie, cinnamon buns, cider and other treats, but what has that got to do with lowering blood sugar?

It turns out that cinnamon (minus the sugar that many dessert recipes call for) can have a moderately good effect on your blood sugar control and your blood lipids. "Bad" blood lipids are the dangerous fats that many people with type 2 diabetes also need to watch, such as triglycerides and LDL cholesterol, which is part of your total cholesterol levels.

4 Facts About Hearing Loss and Hearing Aids

Did you know hearing loss is the third most common health problem in the US? Auditory malfunctions are generally associated with the aging process but can even begin in the very young. Maybe you've thought you might need hearing aids, but you've wondered how they would look or help.

Here are 4 facts about auditory aids that may relieve your worries:

Break The Unwritten Rules For Successful Weight Loss

Successful Weight Loss

If you take a look at society today you might have noticed that there is a division of class, from the upper class, to the middle class, to the lower class. If you dig a bit deeper you find that the upper class makes up the top one-percent of society.

We all want to be in that one-percent but we do not know how to get there.

Here is a secret, the one-percent do things that everyone else does not.

That also applies to weight loss.

5 Weird Fat-Loss Tips

Weight loss Journal
You have heard the "usual" fat-loss tips before - eat a healthy breakfast, workout 2-3 times per week, skip carbohydrates.

These 5 tips you haven't heard will help you battle the bulge. Try them today.

#1) Skip breakfast 

Researchers are now claiming that skipping breakfast - or entering into what is known as an "intermittent fast" - can actually accelerate fat loss.

This is because fasting can keep the body in a sympathetic nervous system - meaning your body uses fat as a fuel and you stay productive.

How to Eat and Burn Fat at the Same Time

Eat And Burn Fat
The human body is easily susceptible for weight gains due to sugar and salt cravings. This is just the nature of how things work, but that does not mean you have to sit idly by and watch your form slip away from your grasp! You can control this by eating the proper foods spaced out between meals throughout the day. However, fad diets and misinformation run rampant across the web telling you to starve yourself in order to maintain a "low calories" or "low carbs" diet plan. In reality the simple foundation for keeping your body lean is simple; eat foods that are healthy, and exercise frequently.

Find Ways To Exercise At Home

Exercise At Home
Making the time to exercise should be a goal for everyone. Working out will help you lose weight and keep you healthy. A couple of examples of ways people stay active include going to the gym and playing sports. Some choose exercising in the morning hours and others in the evening hours. Exercising at home is another common practice. Crunches, pull ups and jumping jacks can really get the blood flowing. For a more intense workout session, get on a treadmill, elliptical or an exercise bike. You'll be able to break more of a sweat and lose more calories when you're on one of these machines.

10 Stretching Tips To Start Using Today

Stretching Tips

Stretching is an important part of any fitness plan. Proper stretching helps you maintain and improve your flexibility, improve balance, ease muscle tension, relieve stress and help you to recover quickly from your workouts.

Many people fall into the trap of thinking they don't need to stretch and that their time would be better spent on the higher calorie burn phase of their routine.

The Benefits of Strength Training and Cardio Exercises

Strength Training
There has always been a debate for decades over whether cardio training or strength training is better for you. The reality is you need both. Your body will not depend on just a single branch of exercise to work. Cardio and strength workouts come with their own set of benefits, and each supports the other and enhances your overall fitness performance. It is suggested that adults perform at least 30 minutes of aerobic activity daily, and engage in strength training at least twice per week. These recommendations from the American Heart Association suffice for 30 minutes per day, or 150 minutes per week, of physical related activity which can be easy as going for a run around the block and hitting the gym with some weights.

Need Motivation? Make Your Workout Your Playout

Fitness Workout
Don't think too hard about it, answer quick.

On January 1st, did you make a goal to lose weight? Have you found this a hard or easy thing to do? It's all in how you look at it.

Almost two months have gone by since the New Year, and many of you who made resolutions to lose weight are finding that's not what you're actually losing. Face it--some of you are losing ground.

If your motivation to get to the gym or workout on the machine is decreasing, there's one thing you can do that will turn your boring routine into something you can't wait to do every day. All you need to do is change your mind.

4 Quick and Simple Fitness and Exercise Tips!

Fitness and Exercise Tips
To enhance your overall health and well-being you must obtain your maximum fitness level. And to help or assist you to in archiving these amazing results here's four quick and simple fitness tips for you to follow.

This is the first and most vital step in any fitness or workout routine, forgetting to do these simple warm up exercises can cause great bodily damage.

Never let a lack of time prevent you from stretching before and after your routine. Also don't let age trick you into thinking that because you're young and energetic that you'll be alright.

Marathon Training

Running Training

Running is mental and we are all insane! At least that is what most people would consider thinking about those of us who run 26.2 miles at one time. So it leads one to ask where this crazy tradition came from. And why do people continue to become more and more fascinated by the sport of distance running. Despite the injuries and negative effects related to it, there are countless people who can testify that they have a love and need for running. And while I never thought that I would become one of those people, completing my first half marathon was just the start of a lifelong commitment to running.

Balancing Body And Mind Is Easy With The Help of Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga
Hatha yoga has been a very popular option for the people who wish to improve their spiritual health, body and mind since 15th century. This helps in striking a balance between these three components. The word yoga literally means the union or working together of mental, physical and spiritual health. It is very important for you to know about yoga asanas which are simple to follow and are beneficial for your health. The word "Hatha" denotes balance. It provides relaxation and rejuvenating to your senses. It relieves you from all types of stresses, worries, anxieties and tensions in life.

Five Critical Exercises to Help With Fitness

Fitness Body Men

There are five great exercises that hardly anyone does, yet most people probably should be doing. Why they get ignored or passed over is a combination of lack of information along with difficulty. Often people shy away from the really hard stuff. However in the case of fitness and working out, the purpose is to work hard and challenge yourself, is it not?