Omega 3 and Weight Loss - 5 Ways to Explain The Connection Between Fish Oil and Weight Loss

Omega 3 and Weight Loss
Is there a connection between omega 3 oils and weight loss? The answer to that question could in fact help you lose a few extra pounds. For centuries people have been eating fish and enjoying the health benefits that come along with eating it. Are you missing out on the benefits of eating omega 3 oils?

1) Omega 3 oils are anti-lipogenic - Don't let the big medical term scare you. What is anti-lipogenic you ask? It is when fat storage is blocked in your body. Obviously this is a good thing for maintaining a healthy weight. Any time you can block fat you should do that and do it often. Plus your metabolic rate increases which in turn helps you burn fat faster.
2) Improve Blood Sugar Levels - If you eat a diet rich in omega 3 oils, this will help anyone that suffers with hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). This gives you more energy to get through your workout and the rest of your day. It is very important to keep your blood sugar at healthy levels at all times. Spikes in blood sugar is not the recipe for success when you are trying to lose weight.
3) Improves Liver Function - Why is liver function important with weight loss? Simply because the liver is your fat management organ. If your liver is sluggish and not performing like a champ you will pack on some extra weight.
4) Increased Blood Flow - Consuming omega 3 oils increases blood flow to muscles during exercise. This will of course help you burn fat. So if you eat a lunch with a healthy portion of salmon, then work out later in the day. You will get an awesome workout and burn some unwanted fat with the extra blood flow.
5) Lower insulin levels - Like mentioned in number 2 you must keep your blood sugar at healthy levels. Omega 3 oils help you use the extra calories you eat to burn them off for energy, instead of being stored as fat.
Diabetes is a very serious condition and should be taken very seriously. Omega 3 oils is not a cure for Diabetes but they can help control it with their ability to regulate insulin levels.
There is no doubt a connection between omega 3 oils and weight loss. For dinner enjoy some delicious salmon and decrease your waist line at the same time. If you are not a big fan of salmon try your favorite smoothie with some ground flaxseed. You won't even be able to taste it. Eating flaxseed everyday is a great option for anyone that wants to increase their omega 3 oil intake but don't like fish. You can add it to plenty of recipes. Not only is it jam-packed with omega 3's, it is also high in fiber.
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