The 4 Stages Of Weight Loss


Successful weight loss is all about knowing what stage of the process you are in. Knowing what stage you are in can help you move on to the next stage a lot quicker. Some people know what stage they are in. Others have absolutely no clue. Below you will find the 4 stages of weight loss. Find the one you are in and do what you need to do to move on to the next one.
Stage #1 - Pre Contemplation

This is the stage where you haven't gotten real with yourself. You don't see the need to lose weight or change any of your current habits. It would take a lot of pressure from family and friends before you will actually do anything.
Stage #2 - Contemplation
At this stage you start to realize that maybe you really do have a problem. You get real with yourself and acknowledge that you are indeed overweight and need to do something about it. However, you are not quite ready to take the steps needed to lose the weight.
Stage #3 - Preparation
Now your sick and tired of being overweight and are ready to do something about it. You are no longer just thinking about losing weight, you are actually preparing to do so. You start doing research to find out what the best weight loss program is. You check out the south beach diet, the Atkins diet, the Paleo diet and any other diet that catches your attention.
And while you are ready to do something about your weight, you are still having second thoughts. You don't know if you are truly willing to make the needed changes to your lifestyle just yet.
Stage #4 - Action
This is the final stage of weight loss. This is when you say enough is enough and you actually start doing what it takes to lose weight. You start eating the right foods and getting some exercise on a regular basis. This is actually the first step in losing weight and getting the body that you have always wanted.
When you are ready to take action the first thing you should do is write out your goals. Not setting goals is one of the main reasons so many people fail when it comes to weight loss. When you write down your goals make sure you are very specific. You also want to set deadlines so you will have something to work towards.
To learn how you can lose weight permanently in the next two months without starving yourself, buying expensive pills or working out like crazy, check out the Paleo Diet.
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