Exercise to Beat Physical Stress


For stressed people, I suggest regular exercise is one of the best ways of getting rid of pent-up tension and stale emotions.  

The Benefits of Exercise: 
• Stronger heart,lower blood pressure ( and levels of blood cholesterol ) improved circulation.
• Better quality sleep.
• Stronger immunity to illness like colds and flu ( by lowering levels of cortisol which switches off the immune system).
• Reduced anxiety and a greater sense of calm.
• Reduced depression and a feeling of well being via 'feel-good' chemicals.
• A wider social circle.
• A distraction from problems.
• Increased longevity.
• Loss of excess weight and promotion of toned muscles,which help improve confidence.
• Improvement in memory and concentration.
• It's Fun!
Why does Exercise help?
Exercise helps drive out stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, and encourages the production of 'feel-good' chemicals like endorphin (responsible for the 'runner's high'). Exercising increases our oxygen intake and white blood cells- which help fight illness- increase temporarily after exercise.
Which exercise is best?
That depends entirely on you! it's best to choose an exercise you enjoy ( because you are more likely to do it regularly) and one that will provide physical release.
Do bear in mind that exercising itself should not cause you stress. it can - if it becomes too competitive or you stop enjoying it. If that happens, you could perhaps either take a more laid-back approach or try something else.
There are so many different activities to choose from nowadays. Some, like Tai chi and yoga are gentle,relaxing and meditative, although yoga also helps strengthen and tone. Swimming is an excellent choice if you suffer from back pain and joint pain, because you are fully supported by the water. With its emphasis on good breathing and correct spinal and pelvic alignment, Pilates can help you become more in tune with your body.
Weight training, Kickboxing and all martial arts are especially good choices if you have plenty of pent-up frustration to release.
Exercising safely
If it's been a while since you exercised regularly, ease your body in gently with some walking or swimming. You can then work up to more vigorous exercise if you wish. People who do much exercise too soon risk injuring themselves - the joints and lower back are especially vulnerable. They are also more likely to give up when progress is slow. The following should help you get the best out of your chosen activity.
How to make the most of your exercise:
• Check with your GP first that it's safe for you to exercise.
• Exercise regularly for 20 minutes at least three times a week for best results.
• Choose something you enjoy, which fits easily into your life. You are more likely to keep it up.
• If winning is important to you, avoid competitive sports like tennis, squash or football - they could increase your stress levels!
• Always warm up before exercise, and stretch afterwards, to acclimatize muscles and joints.
• Strong abdominal muscles can help prevent bad back, so think about doing some stomach exercise.
• Build more exercise into daily routine.
• Always listen to your body and NEVER ignore pain!
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