Apple Cider Vinegar Weight Loss Tips

Apple Cider Vinegar Weight Loss
Since the start of recorded history, apple cider vinegar has been used by ancient civilization. It is believed for at least 10,000 years that this tonic treats various diseases. It is also reported to have been utilized as a healing hypothetical substance believed to maintain life indefinitely by Hippocrates who is the father of Medicine. The Babylonians used it as a condiment and a stabilizer, at the same time the Greeks and the Romans used it both for flavoring and healing functions. Parisians during the middle ages used it as a deodorant and healing refresher and a preserver of youth. Columbus had barrels of it on his sailing vessels to prevent from certain diseases such as scurvy. Japanese Samurai warriors, in fact, drank apple cider vinegar for vigor and power. It was also used during the America civil war to sterilize and mend wounds.

What is an apple cider vinegar? 
Otherwise recognized merely as cider vinegar, is prepared from the cider of apples. It has a brownish-yellow color. It is usually sold unfiltered and unpasteurized with the mother of vinegar present, as a natural product. It is very well known to a certain extent due to theoretical advantageous health and beauty properties.

For weight loss 

The apple cider vinegar diet has been widely known since the 1970s. The mixture of apple cider, kelp, vitamin B-6, and lecithin support the body's metabolism to burn fat faster than it would usually do. What dieters need to do to lose weight is to take one, two, or three teaspoons prior to each meal, beginning with one teaspoon and then working up to two or three. Aside from helping you metabolize fat, it is supposed to trim down the dieter's starvation and cravings.

There have been more than a few studies which prove that this tonic helps balance blood sugar levels. This may be the effect of its capability to lower the glycemic index of a meal, which prevents blood sugar to abruptly increase. This possibly will influence weight loss, particularly for people who are insulin resistant or diabetic. One study also indicated that taking a small amount before mealtimes helped develop satiety effect which results in prevention of overeating.

Even though it is acidic, it essentially helps balance the acidity in the body by helping it become more alkaline. A number of experts imply that this can maintain weight loss. Last 2006, a study suggested it may have properties that can lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels. These same properties can help dieters lose fat weight. It also helps to detoxify the liver which plays an important role in weight loss.

Raw apple cider vinegar is best as it preserves all of the nutrients present. A brand such as Bragg's is pure and natural and full with beneficial properties.

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009, I completely changed my lifestyle, dropped almost 50 pounds and began a regimen of complementary treatments to support my immune system and get my body healthy again. It is one year later and I am feeling great. Please visit my website. There you will find lots of total cleanse information and health tips.

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