Yoga and Training


So this yoga thing? Do you notice, as you drive around your home town, there are a few yoga studios becoming part of the scenery. They seem to be popping up in the unlikeliest places. Classes at the Y or your local recreation center as well. It's not a 'trend' it is here to stay and it seems there is good reason...

I started practicing yoga a few plus years ago. Bikram yoga to be more specific. I practiced for years about 6 days a week, and loved it, but wasn't really training for triathlons at that time where as now I am getting back into training and strangely enough, I feel like yoga actually seems easier. Even though I sometimes feel sore and tight in many places, it all flows better. One of the yoga instructors the other day made a comment in class that I actually heard, sometimes I zone out. He said when we do sports we break down our bodies, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, in my humble opinion. As we know in order to build muscle we have to 'work' it, break it down, push it to a limit without overdue use to become stronger, build larger muscles, etc... But in yoga, it's more like therapy in motion. So all of a sudden in class I felt like I was putting myself through my own massage therapy session. Although a massage is definitely better! As athletes we beat up our bodies often and then we go about our day, work, kids, demands that require our attention, so in yoga, you get to be kind to yourself, let yourself be there for 60/90 minutes of just you. I know it is probably hard to squeeze that much additional time out of the day when you already spend a fair amount training for that triathlon or Ultra 'something' race, but since the cooler temperatures are on the way, for much of the country anyway, maybe now is a good time to taper down and try to incorporate some yoga. You may find what I do, that it does help. Body, mind and spirit. I thought I would share a few facts about Bikram yoga and what the benefits are when practiced. I will say that getting used to the heat and a bit of the sweaty smell of the room, takes a few classes, but as with anything, you become accustomed to it and it doesn't bother you as you practice more. You may find that you actually love the heat. Here are a few of the benefits:
Expands lung capacity
Promotes weight loss
Relieves stress, anxiety and tension
Increases energy level
Builds stamina, strength and flexibility
Relieves back pain
Speeds up the healing process related to injury
Regulates cholesterol and blood pressure
Supplies oxygen and nutrients to every cell of the body
Detoxifies and cleanses the body through sweating
Flushes the lymphatic system
Strengthens the immune system
Balances the endocrine system
Improves spinal strength, flexibility, and alignment
Strengthens the heart
Lubricates the joints
Strengthens the bones
Increases mental clarity and well being
Promotes better and deeper sleep
What do you have to lose? Weight, toxins, limitations, and excuses. What do you have to gain? Flexibility, strength, balance and vitality. Improve your health, improve your life.
There is also a woman who has an extensive background with yoga and athletes. She is a bit of an expert on the subject, written a few books, has video's with many great tips that I thought I would share. She discusses many types of yoga, not only Bikram. If you can't go to a class, doing some of the postures in a quite place at home can be the next best thing. I hope you check it out. I will add the link below this article so you can check it out if you feel it will benefit you. It can be a great off day training addition to your schedule and you'll find you do benefit. Namaste
Caroline Rivers / Triathleta
For more tips on triathlons, triathlon products, yoga and training check out my site, and follow my blog, and on Twitter @triathleta8. There you can ask questions, post comments and look for more tips and links to things about triathlons, training and just plain positive motivation! The site is adding some more women's lines in early 2013 as they launch and will be adding some dreamy mattresses. Yes mattresses! For athletes no less. What a concept. So stay tuned... and I hope to see you at the races!
And here is the link for more yoga tips and loads of information. Enjoy
Caroline Rivers / Triathleta

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