Organic Vegetables & Implementation Into John Hopkins

When talking about the food options from school to school, it's clear that some have made greater changes than others. For example, there were quite a few elementary schools in New York City that have taken up more vegetarian options. It's clear that society is becoming more aware of the increased need to stay healthy, which is where I feel like organic vegetables and the sort have come into play. The same can be said about the recent changes made with John Hopkins University and there is quite a bit to talk about.

For those who do not know, John Hopkins University seems to be more focused on the idea of providing, amongst other items, organic vegetables for its dining options. The Baltimore Sun posted an article about the variety of options and there are quite a few to consider. As many as 25 different fruits and vegetables will be offered but that is not all. In a bit of news that should be able to grab the attention of authorities like Colle Farmers Market, by 2020, it is planned that the school will cook with only locally grown organics.

Campuses across the board have seemingly gone about this type of organic shift as well. The article said that JHU is one of a total of 19 different colleges that has taken part in something called the Real Food Challenge. For those who may not understand all of the details, this challenge is all about schools having to attain 20 percent of its supply of food from local farmers by the year 2020. With this in mind, it's apparent that campuses across the board have become all the more aware of natural crops.

We want to know where our food comes from and simply saying "from the ground" isn't enough. We have to understand what we are picking up has been treated with the utmost care and, in my view, this does not entail the usage of pesticides. Synthetic components have become all too familiar and it's not surprising that many people have shifted to more natural options. Hopefully this is a sign of things to come because I would like to see even more establishments taking the Real Food Challenge, too.

I think that this may come about sooner rather than later, especially when there are various organic vegetables that can be brought to the forefront. I do not think that many people understand the variety that these products can possess. You want to be able to eat healthfully and it's apparent that this matter of thinking has translated to schools as well. Students are slowly but surely understanding the importance of eating right because of this and such knowledge is going to carry on even after graduation is done.

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