Easy At Home Workouts With Dumbbells

Many people are choosing their home gyms over regular gyms all over the world. While a regular gym has a lot to offer they can't compare to the convenience and low-cost of having your own home gym.
Whether your workouts are for fat loss, muscular definition or to improve overall health, at home workouts with dumbbells is a quick, cost efficient way to get you in the best shape possible...

If you have never weight-trained before choosing the weight you need could be a little tough. I suggest you begin with one set of weights, take it home and try an exercise for each body part using that particular weight to get an idea of what size dumbbells you really need.
Don't panic, if you find that the weight you chose isn't good for any of the exercise you plan to do simply return them in exchange for the correct weight.
Make sure you do at least one set of 12-16 repetitions per exercise for each body part. If you are just getting started then one exercise per body part is excellent. For example your first rotation could look something like this:

12 Squats
12 Chest Press
12 Seated Bent Over Rows
12 Military Presses
12 Standard Bicep Curls
12 Triceps Kickbacks
12 Standing lateral crunches on each side

This is a very easy at home workout with dumbbells that is great for beginners. Doing twelve reps of each exercise with a 30 second rest in between will help you figure out the best amount of weight you will need for each exercise.

Also if you have never workout before, either invest in a book that shows you how to properly perform each exercise or look up the information online to help you avoid using poor technique which can result in injury.

Another great way to get started with easy at home workouts with dumbbells is to invest in a fitness DVD that features weight training. If you are new to weight training, try to pick a video that uses standard weight training exercises, nothing extreme. Always master the basics first before you try the more extreme exercises.

You can also find many free video workouts online from some very solid, well-trained fitness instructors; all you need to do is look around.

Enjoying your own dumbbell workout at home provides you with convenience because you can exercise any time you like, privacy so you don't have to worry about what others might think, especially as you are learning.

Adding resistance to your workouts will help you gain strength, increase muscle mass which will help burn more calories, give shape to your body which will lift and firm saggy muscles, improve bone density helping to prevent osteoporosis all while increasing your energy and self-confidence.

You also have variety! There is endless variety to the different type of workouts you can do. To get started with easy at home workouts with dumbbells simply find a workout you would like to try that is appropriate for your level of experience and fitness, grab your dumbbells and go for it.

Happy lifting!

DeeDee is a writer, personal trainer, internet marketer and lover of life who promotes and teaches sane and simple, no non-sense fitness and nutrition information.

For more fitness, nutrition and motivation tips visit me at Exercises For Fat Loss At Home a no nonsense approach to getting you healthy.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=DeeDee_Coleman
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