Simple Steps To Head Lice Removal

Simple Steps To Head Lice Removal
Most school-age children catch nits at some point because young children often have their hair touching when they are playing enabling the insects to crawl from one child to another. Infestations can quickly spread through groups of friends, classmates and families. It's therefore essential to know how to carry out head lice removal.

Removal can sometimes seem difficult because if a child's hair comes into contact with somebody who has not been treated, new pests can crawl onto it. It would also appear that these insects may be becoming resistant to the chemical composition of some lotions. There are solutions to these problems, however.

Once these pests have been detected it is important to deal with the problem promptly. Pharmacists can recommend a lotion to apply to the hair and scalp in order to kill the lice. The newer lotions are silicone and oil-based and have a physical effect (they work by smothering) rather than a chemical one like the traditional lotions. Scientists are hoping that the pests are unable to become resistant to these newer lotions.

A health-care professional should be consulted before using any lotion, as some lotions are not suitable for everyone. It is particularly important to seek professional advice if treating a baby, pregnant women, an asthmatic, eczema sufferer, someone with cuts to the head, or someone with allergies or sensitive skin.

The instructions that come with the lotion should be followed carefully as different lotions need to be left on the scalp and hair for varying amounts of time, from minutes to overnight, before being washed off. They usually need to be re-applied after seven days but some newer lotions only need to be applied once.

If one member of a household has nits, as they as sometimes known as, the whole family should be treated and towels, sheet, pillowcases and clothes need to be laundered in order to remove any stray pests. It is also important to tell a child's school, and ideally the school should send a letter out advising parents to check for parasites, to try to prevented treated children from catching them again. Long hair that is tied back and braided Afro hair are also less likely to become re-infested than loose hair.

Alternatively, the pests can be removed by wet combing. To do this, the person with the infested hair should have it washed, rinsed and liberally covered in conditioner. The hair then needs careful combing, section-by-section, with a fine-tooth comb, easily available in pharmacies. After each stroke, the comb needs to be checked for any insects. It can either be rinsed in warm water and the insects discarded into the water or wiped with a tissue. It is important to make sure all of the hair is combed in this way. This treatment needs to be repeated every few days until no more pests are found. Wet-combing can be time-consuming, especially on curly or long hair, but ideal for anyone wishing to avoid chemical lotions.

Most people will suffer from nits, as they are commonly called, at some point or have to deal with a child who has them, but it is possible to deal with head lice removal simply and prevent the itchiness, irritation and embarrassment, which would undoubtedly occur if left untreated.

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